What Center Participants are Doing
Eileen E.S. Bjornstrom (Assistant Professor of Sociology – University of Missouri) has authored an article – “Race-ethnicity, nativity, neighbourhood context and reports of unfair treatment by police.” published in Racial and Ethnic Studies, Volume 38, Issue 12 (2015). This article describes the ways in which race-ethnicity, nativity and neighborhood characteristics are associated with reports of unfair treatment by police over the previous five years by residentially stable men living in the Los Angeles area. The results indicated that Latinos are less likely than African Americans and US-born whites to report unfair treatment. The authored noted that neighborhood affluence was negatively associated with reports, but poverty and percentage of Latino and immigrant concentration were not. Additional results on population concentration and reporting patterns are noted. This article was published April, 2015 and is available online.

Paul E. Bellair (Professor of Sociology – The Ohio State University) received a grant from the NSF for support of the projected titled “Collaborative Research: Availability of Employment Opportunities and Recidivism Outcomes.” Bellair’s primary research interests include studying the relationship between community characteristics and crime, racial-ethnic differences and violence and the interconnections among neighborhoods, the disadvantaged, gangs, and violence. He is currently conducting a study of prisoners that seeks to explore the detailed life circumstances that precede incarceration and conditions that affect recidivism upon re-entering the community.
Two Grants Received
Dana Haynie (CO-PI), CJRC Director has received two grants from NSF and NIH to pursue research projects that use theory and methods from network science to collect and analyze longitudinal network data collected from prisoners housed within a Pennsylvania medium security men’s prison. Drawing on network and social influence theories, this study will analyze how the prison’s informal network structure relates to the distribution and diffusion of inmate behavioral and rehabilitative outcomes, including misconduct, schooling, prison employment and prison program completion.

Randolph Roth (Professor of History – The Ohio State University) is serving on the National Academy of Sciences Roundtable on Crime Trends, chaired by Rick Rosenfeld and has published a chapter in the book (see below) entitled "Getting things Wrong Really Does Help as Long as You Keep Trying to Get Things Right: Developing Theories About Why Homicide Rates Rise and Fall."
Article Recently Published
An article entitled “Toward a Criminology of Inmate Networks” was published online in Justice Quarterly in March, 2015. The article was co-authored by Derek Kreager, David Schaefer, Martin Bouchard, Dana L. Haynie, Sara Wakefield, Jacob Young and Gary Zajac.
Book Coedited by CJRC Affiliate

Michael Maltz (Professor Emeritus - University of Illinois at Chicago) coedited a book that was recently published by Springer Publications with Stephen Rice entitled Envisioning Criminology: Researchers on Research as a Process of Discovery. Among its 28 chapters are one written by Randolph Roth ("Getting Things Wrong Really Does Help, as Long as You Keep Trying to Get Things Right: Developing Theories About Why Homicide Rates Rise and Fall") and one written by Professor Michael Maltz ("Sometimes Pictures Tell the Story"). Maltz is also on a National Academy of Sciences committee panel on Modernizing the Nation's Crime Statistics and the FBI's expert panel on imputation and estimation.
Congratuations Dr. Royel Johnson
Royel Johnson (CJRC Affiliate) has earned his Ph.D. in the Higher Education and Student Affairs Program under the direction of Terrell Strayhorn (CJRC Affiliate). His dissertation study was titled: “Measuring the Influence of Juvenile Arrest on the Odds of Four-Your College Enrollment for Black Males: An NLSY Analysis.” The purpose of the study was to test the relationship between Black males’ early contact with the criminal justice system through arrest and four-year college enrollment, using a nationally representative sample of Black males that participated in the National Longitudinal Study go Youth (NLSY:97). In addtion, Royel has accepted at position with the Center for Higher Education Enterprise as a Policy Analyst at OSU.