
Recent News

The Criminal Justice Research Center is pleased to announce a $3,000 seed grant has been awarded to Kayla Herbell, PhD of The Ohio State University College of Nursing to support her…

On Friday, Nov 3rd, the Criminal Justice Research Center hosted guest speakers Director Rena Shak and her team from the Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) for the City of Columbus, along with…

As the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Department of Sociology at The Ohio State University (OSU) in autumn 2022 moves forward, three alumni of the PhD program (Leesa Kern 1999,…

Reducing Lethal Violence by the Police: Insights from Organizational Accident Theory

Video of the 31st Annual Reckless-Dinitz Lecture held on 4/7/22.  The use of deadly force by…

People Directory

Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement and Associate Professor of Architecture
Professor of Sociology, Rutgers University
Dean, John Glenn School of Public Affairs and Professor of Public Affairs
Professor of City and Regional Planning