The World Health organization has been collecting data on mortality and causes of death (including suicides, homicides, and accidents) since 1950. The data are organized into 4 files, according the International Code of Death codes in use at the time (versions 7, 8, 9, and 10). The data are organized by country, year, gender, and cause of death.
The data here are divided into two files
Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Former Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Slovakia
The Former Yugoslavia: The former Yugoslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia
The following files are available
- Eastern Europe and former Yugoslavia homicide rates [doc]
- Eastern Europe homicide rate spreadsheet [xls]
- Eastern Europe homicide rate spreadsheet [csv]
- The former Yugoslavia homicide rate spreadsheet [xls]
- The former Yugoslavia homicide rate spreadsheet [csv]
[csv] - Some links on this page are to .csv files requiring the use of a database program. If you need these files in a more accessible format, please contact
[doc] - Some links on this page are to Microsoft .doc files requiring the use of Microsoft Word. If you need these files in a more accessible format, please contact
[xls] - Some links on this page are to Microsoft .xls files requiring the use of Microsoft Excel. If you need these files in a more accessible format, please contact