American Homicide Supplemental Volume (AHSV) by Randolph Roth

A supplement to Randolph Roth, American Homicide (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009)

Most of the material in American Homicide Supplemental Volume many be used and cited freely under the Creative Commons copyright, as long as the work is cited properly and not used for any commercial purpose—any work derived or modified from the material must be subject to the same Creative Commons copyright and may not be copyrighted by another author or vendor.

Please note, however, that two sections of American Homicide Supplemental Volume are copyrighted by the author. The sections on the “Civilization Thesis” and on “Weapons” may not be quoted, cited, or posted elsewhere without permission of the author, because they are from works in progress intended for future publication. The author reserves all rights to these sections.

I. Table of Contents

II. Methods

  • Distinguishing Homicides from Natural Deaths, Accidental Deaths, Suicides, and Feigned Deaths (DH [pdf])
  • Homicide Estimates (HE [pdf])
  • Population Estimates (PE [pdf])
  • Ethnicity Estimates (EE [pdf])

III. Statistical Tables, Figures, and Analyses

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