Stephen Gavazzi
Director, CHRR and Professor of Human Development and Family Science
Dr. Gavazzi is the Director of the Center for Human Resources Research (CHRR) and Professor of Human Development and Family Science. Professor Gavazzi has established a research program that identifies the impact of family dynamics on adolescent development, psychopathology, and problem behavior. Dr. Gavazzi has been involved in the development and evaluation of a number of family-based programming efforts, including a multifamily psychoeducation group for families containing children with mood disorders implemented and evaluated through a grant from the National Institutes for Mental Health. Professor Gavazzi also has created the Growing Up FAST Program, a family-based diversion initiative for use with juvenile offenders and their families, that has been funded through a series of generous grants from the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services and the State of Ohio Department of Youth Services. Currently his efforts are largely directed toward the development of a web-based instrument known as the Global Risk Assessment Device (GRAD), designed to measure potential threats to the developmental needs of adolescents coming to the attention of the juvenile justice system.