Marianna Klochko

Marianna Klochko

Marianna Klochko

Associate Professor of Sociology

Areas of Expertise

  • Rational Choice
  • Criminology
  • Economic Sociology


  • Ph.D. Cornell, 2004

Marianna Klochko (Ph.D. Cornell, 2004) is an Associate Professor of Sociology at The Ohio State University (Marion Campus). Her research interests include Criminology, Economic Sociology, Rational Choice, Game Theory and Collective Action. Her work examines the relationship between individual time preferences and other social phenomena such as drug addiction, corruption, gang membership and prisoners’ rehabilitation.  She concluded the study of electoral falsification methods in Ukraine during parliamentary and presidential elections and a project examining pathways to prison among female inmates in Ukraine.  She is currently working on a subject of the evolution of police trust overtime, especially in context of police reform, which had occurred in Ukraine in the past couple of years.