Nicole Yadon

Nicole Yadon

Nicole Yadon

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Nicole Yadon is an Assistant Professor of Political Science. Her research examines the political manifestations of persistent social inequality both across and within social groups, specifically with respect to race. Her work builds from research showing that disparities in education, health, policing, punishment, and wages previously attributed to race are largely driven by a combination of both race and skin tone. Her research agenda extends these findings into the political sphere and documents when, where, and how incorporating more nuanced examinations of race improve our understanding of American politics. One recently published article that is drawn from her larger book project examines the associations between African Americans’ skin color and perceptions of both policing and Black Lives Matter organizing efforts. This mixed-methods project highlights how Black Americans perceive the multidimensionality of racialized interactions and, in search of justice, strategize responses through social movement organizing.