CJRC Announces the Richard J. Lundman Graduate Student Teaching Award

March 21, 2016

CJRC Announces the Richard J. Lundman Graduate Student Teaching Award

Professor Richard J. Lundman

Richard J. Lundman Graduate Student Teaching Award

In recognition of his outstanding teaching and commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, the CJRC is pleased to announce the first Richard J. (Rick) Lundman Graduate Student Teaching Award. Rick Lundman professed at OSU for over 40 years where he taught thousands of student colleagues. In addition to his research, he will be forever remembered for his love of teaching and passion for undergraduate learning. We miss him terribly and hope to honor his memory with the annual Rick J. Lundman Graduate Student Teaching Award.

All graduate instructors and teaching assistants (from any discipline) who instruct on the topics of crime, law, and justice broadly conceived during the time of Autumn 2015 - Spring 2016 are eligible for this award. The selected award winner will receive $200 from CJRC presented during the Sociology Spring Awards luncheon. Students may self-nominate or nominate another graduate student for this award. Faculty may also nominate a student for this award. When sending a nomination, please include a paragraph identifying the student and providing a short explanation of how his/her teaching reflects the values, passion, and commitment that characterized Professor Lundman’s teaching. Please send nominations to Debbie Flower-Smith at: flower-smith.1@osu.edu by April 15, 2016.