Dr. Paul Bellair has been Appointed Director of the Criminal Justice Research Center

Paul Bellair, professor of sociology, has been named director of the Criminal Justice Research Center, effective June 1, 2019, through June 20, 2023, pending approval by the Board of Trustees.
Dr. Bellair received his BA, MA and PhD, all in sociology, from University at Albany, SUNY, before joining Ohio State as an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology in 1995. His research examines the relationship between macro-micro linkages in explaining delinquency, the relationship between community characteristics and crime, racial-ethnic differences in violence, and interconnections among neighborhood disadvantage, gangs, and violence. He is currently conducting a study of prisoners that seeks to explore the detailed life circumstances that precede incarceration and conditions that affect recidivism upon re-entering the community. Dr. Bellair has conducted a number of community-based research projects with a variety of the CJRC's community partners and is well known in the local criminal justice community.
His areas of expertise are in crime, deviance and social control, and his research explores the life circumstances that precede incarceration; racial and ethnic differences in violence; the relationship between community characteristics and crime; and how romantic relationships and employment influence offending patterns and recidivism, among other topics.
Dr. Bellair assumes the directorship at the end of the term served by Dr. Dana Haynie. Dr. Haynie has made numerous significant contributions to the growth and development of the CJRC over the last several years as director including the creation of CJRC’s undergraduate internship program and increased focus on community engagement. Her research on juvenile delinquency, social networks, prisoner re-entry, the darkweb, and the opioid crisis has garnered national attention and recognition. Professor Haynie is currently a Co-Investigator on Ohio’s Healing Community Study which will use real-time research to focus opioid-related prevention, treatment and recovery programs for nineteen counties in Ohio. Her leadership and guidance with CJRC are much appreciated.