
2015 RDCJN Workshop Dates
If you have not already done so, please mark your calendars for the 2015 RDCJN Workshop scheduled for July 23-24, 2015. The 2015 Workshop will mark the 10th Anniversary of the Crime and…

RDCJN Grant Proposal Submitted
Related to the move of the RDCJN to Rutgers, Jody Miller and Rod Brunson (Rutger’s Coordinators of the RDCJN) and Ruth Peterson (retiring Coordinator of the RDCJN) submitted a “Collaborative”…

Deadly Injustice (Trayvon Martin Volume) Delivered to Press
Deadly Injustice, the volume on Trayvon Martin, was delieved to press in February, and will be available for purchase this November. If you have not yet heard, CONGRATULATIONS!!! are in order…

2015 SRI Cohort Selected
The SRI Selection Committee recently reviewed applications, selected Fellows, and confirmed their participation in the 2015 Crime and Justice Summer Research Institute. A big WELCOME!!! to…

Summer Research Institute applications due February 13th, 2015!
WelcomeOrganized by Ruth D. Peterson and funded by the National Science Foundation and Ohio State University, the Crime and Justice Summer Research Institute is designed to promote successful…